After a rather soggy start this year for fishing season, 11+" for June last month, we finally see the sun return for a few days in anticipation of our next outing at Fort Wetherell in Jamestown,RI on July 9th.
Lately, I haven't been on here writing as much, because of the lousy wet start to fishing season. Though I have been out by myself a few times this year, the fishing has been dismal to say the least. Even though there wasn't any rain to deal with, the wind has been relentless lately, causing sea swells to reach 4-6 ft in height. So, I paddled around 2 salt ponds in RI - Ninigret Pond & Quonochonotaug Pond.
However, when it rains, I came up with a bunch of new designs featuring a kayak fishing theme. They are up for sale in my Cafe Press store, "CORE 860", and have been steadily increasing in sales. Some are sold by region. So, if you don't see your region, feel free to message me and I will set out and create a region or country for you.
When I participated in the "Rhode Island Saltwater Show" this March, I waited until the last day to scoop up some deals from Salty's Saltwater Plug Kits. I picked up 5 "Bomber" kits, which are now discontinued from their kit line up. I opened up one of the kits to begin waterproofing it. Though, there is literally no way to 100% waterproof the plug because water will manage to get in there somehow. So far, I have 2 good smooth coats of clear on it. I have a perfectionist attitude, so I want it to look sharp and mistake-free (no drips or runs).
I have a design in mind, but I need to practice getting it down just right. It will require the use of a few stencils that I rarely use but should add some depth and dimension to the surface.
So far, this is the only pic I have from June 8th's "Meet & Greet at Goddard Memorial Park" in East Greenwich,RI.. The day started out with sun & clouds, which was nice at first, but the wind picked up and pretty much blew me out of the cove. But it was probably the nicest day the Kayak Committee ever had, with a good turn out, and plenty of good conversation about how we all rigged our kayaks for fishing.
My gear basket got many good compliments about how clean and well built it was. I told everyone who asked, that I can't take full credit for the setup. I merely told them that I borrowed the idea from another person ("Gramps") on Ultimate Kayak Fishing and adapted my own little tricks such as: the Lip Gripper holster, the addition of Reflective Tape to the sides of the top box, and Acrylic Sheeting inside the top box portion to keep the fish hooks from getting caught in the rungs of the top box.
Others commented on the fact that my sonar's transducer is located inside my kayak's hull, along with a small 12v marine battery inside a dry bag. I mentioned, that whenever I beach it, whether it's sandy or full of stones, I know my transducer will be protected because it's located inside the hull, and has no problem reading as deep as 600 ft..
Pic taken by me. My kayak is the beige-colored one on the end at the far right with the big orange flag.